Thursday, December 6, 2007

Gray WHAT?

Yesterday started out as a normal day. Woke up, got my coffee and sat down at the computer. Simple enough things I do every morning. Check my email, read through my favorite blogs, have a glance at what is going on in my classes.

The puppycat curled up in my lap, saying good morning to my friends online, sipping on my coffee. Looks like it will be a normal day. I get done checking everything, then log in to make my daily blog post. All is well.... so far.

My first cup of coffee is gone, time to get another. Since I am up and moving and more awake by this time, I do a bit of housecleaning, feed the animals, and do my morning clean up. In the bathroom, the last step is brush my hair. Lol, it gets messed every morning from the snuggles and cuddles I get from the dogs in the wake up greetings. Not thinking about much, I attend to my morning routines.

But wait! I have something in my hair. What the heck? I know my pets shed a lot, but I have my own hair on my head, I don't need theirs there too. Ah, well, I will just brush it out. Umm, it isn't coming out with the brush... ok then, I will just pick it off. It's attached to my head? This isn't a pet hair, it is my own hair. But how can that be? My hair is dark brown, almost black. This hair is lighter. Much lighter.

Oh my gods, it is GRAY! I have a gray hair. Whoa, how did this happen, when? I am only 34 and I am getting gray? This isn't right. Not yet anyway. I won't have gray hair yet, so a tug and it is gone.

But I know it will be back. And it will be bringing friends with it. Soon I may have a whole party of gray hairs on my head. So I guess this is it, I am getting older. I know it had to happen, but I wasn't expecting it quite this soon.


Anonymous said...

awww...dont be so sad i get a few and im only long hair doenst leave i guess ill be fine

Anonymous said...

33 here and more than 33 gray hair.... not too bad, jeje...
what i'll not tolerate is this balloon belly in my front side, ack.. it goes over my belt...aaacccckkkkk
Thisng to do: abdominals, abdominals, running, abdominals, swimming
and first: find the time to do it.

Hugs Ru

Anonymous said...

ive never had a grey hair but im only 12

Anonymous said...

I have had white and grey hairs before and I'm a lot younger than you are Ru. 2 1/2 can say a lot. lol *grabs black spray paint* Close your eyes Ru. roflol

Anonymous said...

My snorkel is getting old. Pah... grey hair... hehe

man tia is the bestest.
[18:23] DarknessLies Ru isn't getting old, the world is just too young

-huggle- Have funn.. you pluck 1 and 3pop up

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Nah, it won't come back with friends. If it does just yank it out again. My hair is beyond yanking. Every month or so I take care of it myself. I will not die with gray hair.

dlyn said...

My mother in law says that if you yank out 1 gray hair, 7 will grow in it's place. My hair is not grey by the power of prayer - I sit in the drug store parking lot, praying they have my shade of L'Oreal and when I get in there, they do!

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, I had my first gray hair when I was 16. The person sitting behind me in home room reached up and yanked it out for me. I'm 32 now and have many more. Luckily nobody knows thanks to the highlights I add to give it a sun kissed look. It makes the gray and whites blend a little better...

krysta said...

Found your site through pioneer women. I'm 33 and I'm getting white hair! It must be from my 4 kids and all that stress. The white hair wasn't so bad, it was finding a white eyebrow hair that sent me into a panic!

The Nester said...

I'm with you. I'm 34 and just in the past few months I've noticed a few you-know-whats. I have long hair and something about having long dark hair with a few grays in the back seems bad, real bad. I've tried to get my boys to pick through the back of my hair and look for those sparkly ones but to no avail.

SuzyQSparkles said...

I'm 34 too... no gray, but my family tends to stay natural for a LONG time! My GM has dyed her hair since she was 18, just for fear of gray, now in her 70's she's still doing it. She is the vainest person I know. Do you know that in her mid-70's she is only gray at her temples. She even gave herself a huge chemical burn in her eyes once for dying her hair, but, her vanity prevails and she still insists on dying her hair.

My Mom says gray hairs are "ribbons of life"; awards for the trials you have.

I don't think I'll ever dye my hair.

[woah!] Was that cheery or what? Dye you hair if you like, but my personal witness of it has been one of pure vainity and pain, so, I don't think I'll ever do it. Funny how our family influences us SO MUCH!

Suzy :D

Anonymous said...

lmao ru ru, it was only can have my hair and it comes with a grey streak