Sunday, January 13, 2008

Week In A Whirlwind

Wow, what a busy week. I have spent hours on the phone, filled out a stack of paperwork, sent e-mails and faxes. And that was just to complete my graduation paperwork and enrollment process. It doesn't count the time I had to spent building a web site for my Web Design class, nor the writing I had to do for Composition.

I am glad that week is over. I am due to graduate on the 26th, my robes have been ordered, all the paperwork for that is done. Classes are done for both the term and my first degree.

I can't believe I managed to graduate with a perfect 4.0 GPA. Two whole years of college with perfect grades. I wouldn't have ever thought I could do that.

The new term and the first part of my second degree starts tomorrow, but thankfully I am done with writing classes. *Dances* Yay, no more essays to write.

Everything else is on track, I have appointments on the 23rd, and Feb 4th for my medical and my back. I am excited about graduating and looking forward to the next set of classes.

As for my blog, now that all the paperwork is done, I will be posting daily or close to that again. I apologize for the week without posts, but I had no time to write for you all with all the stuff I was trying to keep track of.


Anonymous said...

wtg for the graduate :) and hope u can get your back fix :)

havent read here for a while sorry but checking sometime
take care huggss

Anonymous said...

Congratss! Im proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Way To Go Ru!
Since I read your Milk, Eggs, Coffee... Blog entry, are you sure you remembered to order your clothes for graduation? lol

Ru said...

Thank you all, and yes, Kim, I ordered them lol

Anonymous said...

good god ru you startinh to sound like me now hun, im forever on the go now i dont know if i remember where i live half the time lmao