Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Getting Started?


This is a hard post to make... but then starting something new has always been hard for me. I probably should give a bit of info about myself. Well, let's see, how much about me do you really want to know?

The basics are I am 34, average build, basically a normal person. I was married for 11 years to my high school sweetheart, but as we grew up, we grew apart, and each of us turned into a person the other couldn't handle. See? Typical background story, lol.

In this blog, I will be writing about a variety of things, so if you are looking for something to read on a specific topic, this is probably not the place for you. I have 2 dogs and a cat that thinks he is a dog, so there will probably be stories about them frequently. I have no children so no funny kid stories or parenting help, sorry.

All in all, I think this blog will end up being fairly random in topic choices, but if you are reading, I hope you find something to smile about on occasion.

Ok, I guess that is enough for an introductory post, on with the blogging. :)


Anonymous said...

think I have the same cat as you Ru!!!! lol smooch doorknob for me and hopefully will get to meet up again for another adventure in a couple weeks. Love ya!!!!